Issue #107

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This is issue no. 107 of 180. The last issue saw a 42.83% open rate with 10.27% going to this article on the up and coming DNVB that all of Silicon Valley is talking about.

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Today's Top Intelligence (12 Reads)

Last word: On The Halo Effect

The halo effect is a term used in marketing to explain the bias shown by customers toward certain products because of a favorable experience with other products made by the same manufacturer or maker. The halo effect is a concept driven by brand equity.

Issue 108 will feature an original, top 10 list of the VC-backed startups who've best achieved the halo effect. The list will be determined by number of new product segments, growth in organic web traffic, in-bound links to their online retail, net promoter scores, and any applicable statistics from Internet Retailer's databases.